JJ/WBGSP offers graduate scholarships

JJ/WBGSP offers graduate scholarships

The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP), in its 20th year, awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at universities renowned for their development research and teaching. The Regular Program is open to the universities all over the world. Scholarship recipients will have training and graduated degree from more than 150 universities in more than 30 countries.

The Regular Program allows applicants to study at host universities in the World Bank member countries, except their home countries. Scholars may pursue a graduate program in any development related field at the master's ldevel. The study areas have mostly included economics, public policy, sustainable development, including natural resources and environmental management, agriculture and rural development, urban and regional planning, infrastructure, and health, population, and education. Preference is given to fields of study related to Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

For further information, please contact:

The World Bank, Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, 1818 H Street, NW - MSN J2-204, Washington, DC 20433, USA. Tel.+1 (202) 473-6849. Fax. +1 (202) 522-4036. Email: jjwbgsp@worldbank.org. Website: http://www.worldbank.org/wbi/scholarships/