President of AITAA-Mother Chapter visits Philippines
AITAA-Mother Chapter President and Supreme Commander of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, Gen. Dr. Boonsrang Niumpradit (8th from left, above) met senior alumni and members of AITAA-Philippines this week. The Royal Thai Embassy hosted afternoon cocktails at the Makati Shangri-la on 7 March where the new Board was inducted in to office by General Boonsrang and witnessed by former AIT Vice President for Development, Prof. Dr. Ricardo Pama (9th from left, above).
An appreciation lunch was also organized on March 9 at Makati Shangri-La by Dr. Bindu Lohani (4th from right, above), one of AIT's Distinguished Alumni and Director General, Regional and Sustainable Development Department (RSDD), Asian Development Bank. Joining Gen. Dr. Boonsrang Niumpradit and wife Col. Nucha (4th from left, above) were Dr. Bindu Lohani and wife Sumana (3rd from right, above), Dr. Nic Austriaco (2nd from left, above) and wife Dr. Lilia Austriaco (3rd from left, above), AITAA Honorary Member Gen. Tanongsuk Tuvinun (1st from left, above) and wife Kannigar (2nd from right, above), and President of AITAA-Philippines Mr. JP Sianghio (above right).
AITAA Philippines will also organize its next big event -- the Family Fun Movie screening on May 3 of Spiderman 3 (M3-S3) at the EDSA Shangri-la Cineplex No. 3. Tickets will be made available through the Board and some Past Presidents by the end of this month of March. Proceeds of this fund raising event will be used for Alumni Continuing Education Seminar (ACES) in Q2, General Assembly in Q3, participation in the annual Governing Board Meeting (this year in Sri Lanka) in Q4, and professional development and social outreach projects throughout the year 2007.