Catholic Academic Support Program for Foreigners renews an MoU with AIT

Catholic Academic Support Program for Foreigners renews an MoU with AIT

A renewed MoU between AIT and KAAD (Catholic Academic Support Program for Foreigners) has been finalized for a two-year period. The renewal of this MoU will make available scholarship support for qualified applicants from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Timor Leste and Vietnam to pursue masters or doctoral degree program studies at the AIT. In exceptional cases, students from Thailand may also be considered.
Under this MoU, AIT provides a 25% fellowship to the successful applicants. The costs covered by the KAAD-AIT scholarships include those for tuition and fees, a monthly bursary and rental of
accommodation on campus at AIT standard rates as well as travel expenses to and from home country.
With the renewal of this MoU, AIT is confident that KAAD will continue to fund more scholarships for needy students to study at AIT. KAAD is currently sponsoring 2 full masters and 1 partial doctoral student at AIT. Interested and eligible individuals may apply to any fields of
study offered by the AIT details of which are available on the AIT Admissions homepage.