FOI-Swedish Defence Research Agency Delegates Learn About AIT's Underwater Technology
Dr. Matts Gustavsson (above right), Head of Department of Underwater Research at FOI- Swedish Defence Research Agency in Sweden, visited AIT recently and met with Dr. Mukund S Babel, Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage, Dr. S. L. Ranamukhaarachchi and Dr. Manukid Parnichkun, to learn more about AIT's activities and to explore areas in which there could be mutual cooperation. Impressed by AIT's work, in particular in the field of underwater technology, Dr. Gustavsson was interested in exploring the possibility of AIT serving as a knowledge transfer hub for FOI in the region, and offered to discuss this further with Sida.
FOI is one of the world's leading underwater research institutions.