Task Force on Summer Program Formed

Task Force on Summer Program Formed

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor Peter Haddawy recently formed an Institute-level task force on Summer Program chaired by Professor Ganesh Shivakoti, comprised of Dr. Edward L. Webb, Dr. Hakan Berg, Dr. Nichols J. Dimmitt, Dr. Donyaprueth Krairit, Dr. Matthew N. Dailey, Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Mr. Nick Innes-Taylor, and Ms. Ann Lopez. The objective of the task force is to develop Summer Program for AIT in order to make better use of the institute's underutilized resources during the Intersem, and to increase linkages to other universities. AIT offers a unique environment that can potentially enrich the educational experience students receive at other universities at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

The task force came up with some concrete and innovative initiatives which are currently being discussed with the schools. AIT President Said Irandoust, encourages faculty, staff and students to help AIT leverage off this uniqueness by proposing innovative ways in which AIT could better utilize its resources during the Intersem.