Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) delegation welcomed to AIT
A delegation from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), comprised of Mr. Fumiaki Takahashi, JST Executive Director and former Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia, accompanied by Mr. Mitsuharu OTA, Director, Malaysia Office of JST, and Mr. Yuji KATO, Manager, Department of International Affairs, JST, were welcomed to AIT on 9 August 2007.
Formerly known as the Japan Science and Technology Corporation, since October 2003 JST has become an independent administrative institution. JST focuses on research in the promotion of business using advanced technology. JST does not handle Japanese faculty / researcher exchanges, something which falls under the responsibility of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Applications for research funding from JST are available and must come through Japanese partner universities / research institutions. AIT faculty and staff members are encouraged to explore partnership opportunities with counterpart Japanese universities and institutions.