AIT President meets with AIT alumnus Dr. Satya Priya
On 31 January 2008, AIT President Said Irandoust met with AIT alumnusDr. Satya Priya (95 'AFE), who is currently the Assistant Vice President, Risk Management Solutions, based in India. Dr. Priya's work in the private sector entails high-end consulting with multilateral and bilateral funding agencies such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, ISDR, IGES, and more. He is involved in assisting many national and provincial governments in setting up policies and frameworks to mainstream "overall climate change agenda," including impacts, adaptation and development. Dr. Priya shared with President Irandoust his view on how AIT is in a better position and has the potential advantage in developing this agenda for Asia and Pacific, and proposed that AIT add an academic program on climate change to its portfolio. He also recommended that AIT have a more visible research profile, looking at the adaptation part of climate change besides mitigation. The President thanked Dr. Priya for his valuable suggestions and feedback which the President shall be further discussing with colleagues at AIT.