CRI and Mahidol University

In early February, AIT President Said Irandoust along with Professor S. K. Rakshit, Vice President for Research; faculty colleagues Professor C. Visvanathan, and Dr. Preeda Parkpian, and Dr. Pritam Shrestha, Head ERCO, met with officials from the Chulabhorn Research Institute (CRI) and Mahidol University to discuss a new MOU which will be in effect for the coming five years. At the meeting on February 1st, they agreed on the modalities (only a few details remain), and expect to sign a new MoU within this month. AIT greatly values our partnership with CRI and Mahidol University through this innovative inter-university postgraduate education program in environmental toxicology, technology and management, which will also help foster closer collaborations and interactions in other areas between the partnering institutions.