AIT President Said Irandoust on January 30th signed an MoU with the Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (VIT), located in Pune (India), to collaborate on the development and the establishment of two-stage master's programs, and on research cooperation and faculty and student exchanges. To begin with the collaboration, two-stage master’s programs in the field of Micro Systems Engineering and Energy are expected to start during the August 2008 intake, for which a memorandum of agreement is currently being formulated. The contact with VIT was developed by AIT alumnus, Dr. Rajan Gengaje, presently Regional Disaster Response Adviser in UNOCHA Regional Office for Asia & Pacific, and was followed up by Professor Sivanappan Kumar, Dean School of Environmental Resources and Development. President Irandoust has appointed Dr. Joydeep Dutta, Associate Dean, School of Engineering and Technology as the contact person in AIT for this collaboration.
MOU with India’s Vishwakarma Institute of Technology
AIT President Said Irandoust on January 30th signed an MoU with the Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (VIT), located in Pune (India), to collaborate on the development and the establishment of two-stage master's programs, and on research cooperation and faculty and student exchanges. To begin with the collaboration, two-stage master’s programs in the field of Micro Systems Engineering and Energy are expected to start during the August 2008 intake, for which a memorandum of agreement is currently being formulated. The contact with VIT was developed by AIT alumnus, Dr. Rajan Gengaje, presently Regional Disaster Response Adviser in UNOCHA Regional Office for Asia & Pacific, and was followed up by Professor Sivanappan Kumar, Dean School of Environmental Resources and Development. President Irandoust has appointed Dr. Joydeep Dutta, Associate Dean, School of Engineering and Technology as the contact person in AIT for this collaboration.