Green IT with Netswitch Technologies

On 9 April, Mr. Stanley Li, CEO of Netswitch Technologies, which is headquartered in USA and has branch offices in Hong Kong and Thailand, visited AIT and explored possibilities of collaboration with AIT in Green IT. The Green IT concept proposed will basically utilize the 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) such as simplifying data centers and networking structures by using virtualization and other technologies and the use of open source software, resulting in reduced power consumption and saving in IT costs. It was agreed that initially ITSU will collaborate with Netswitch to implement Green IT in its
DataCenter and NetworkOperationCenter, which can then later be expanded to schools and end users. The ITSU Green IT implementation can also be used as study case for other IT installations in the region. In the future, the company may collaborate with schools in incorporating Green IT concept and technologies in curriculum related to Sustainable Management and ICT Development.  Dr. Agus A. Harianto, IT Coordinator played a key role in this initiative.