Affairs (MFA) and AIT was held on 20 May 2008 at AIT. The meeting was
held to review the progress of activities of the Norwegian-AIT
Cooperation Programme for 2007 as well as to receive an update on AIT
academic and administrative matters.
delegation and expressed his sincere appreciation for the continuing
cooperation extended to AIT by the Royal Norwegian Government. He also
provided the delegation with an update on academic and administrative
affairs of AIT. The delegation was also met by Vice
President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Peter Haddawy and Vice President
for Development and Resources, Dr. Khin Ni Ni Thein.
Counsellor (Development Cooperation), Mr. Chatri Moonstan, Senior
Programme Officer, Royal Norwegian Embassy and Mr. Arne K. Larsen,
Senior Adviser, Department of Education and Research, Norwegian Agency
for Development Cooperation (Norad).
Mr. Lasse Nymoen and Professor Said Irandoust led the discussions on
behalf of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and AIT,
respectively. At the request of President Irandoust, Mr.
Arne K. Larsen gave a briefing on the ongoing development cooperation
policy of Norway.
AIT officials also explained the Institute’s plan to conduct
an alumni tracer study of all graduates of the last 10 -15 years. Prior
to the annual consultation meeting, AIT’s External
Relations and Communications Office (ERCO)
informed the Royal Norwegian Embassy about the planned tracer study.
As the Embassy had reacted positively towards this initiative, a draft
Terms of Reference was presented to the Norwegian delegation for their
input and suggestions. The delegation expressed their appreciation
towards the initiative and agreed to provide Baht 1,500,000 for the
cost of the tracer study.
had an opportunity to meet with a group of current students and
graduates to learn first-hand about the students’ studies and the
academic opportunities afforded to them at AIT. All of the students
were past and present recipients of Norwegian