From left: Dr. Jonathan Shaw, Director, AIT Extension; Dr.
Roland Amoussou-Guenou, Lecturer at AIT and Project
Manager of the AIT Asia Africa Initiative; Prof
Sudip Rakshit, Vice - President, Research; H.E. Mr.
Douglas Harvey Monro Gibson, Ambassador of South Africa to
Thailand and Prof. Said Irandoust, AIT President
23 July 2008 marked the visit of H.E. Mr. Douglas Harvey Monro
Gibson, Ambassador of South Africa to Thailand, who
is also the South African Ambassador to Cambodia, Myanmar
and to Laos and serves as a permanent observer at the United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
the Pacific (ESCAP).
Prof Said Irandoust, AIT president, discussed
various issues in relation to the institute's partnership with
South Africa such as initiating student internship with South
African companies in Thailand, joint research projects with
industry for development of the region, capacity building support
for some of the regions that are in conflict in Africa, Middle
East and other areas that would help further enhance their
understanding and knowledge of co-existence and living in
harmony with the different cultural ethical backgrounds. The
president then shared AIT's ongoing work in
The Ambassador was briefed on the Asia-Africa Initiative. The
"Asia-Africa Initiative for Higher Learning in Science and Technology
for Development" aims to bridge the science and technology gap
between Asia and Africa within the South-South
cooperation scheme.
To promote this initiative and in turn attract the attention of
the world and donors, AIT is working on the
organization of a follow-up Forum tentatively planned for
November, with the support of the Thai Government and the
Dr. Roland Amoussou-Guenou, Lecturer at AIT and
Project Manager of the AIT Asia Africa Initiative
has been invited by the Bangkok Post, to write a regular "Asia-
Africa Business" column. Stakeholders are hopeful that this
venture will promote the various components of
the Asia-Africa concept further and in turn also enhance the
institute's visibility in the business
The Ambassador expressed great interest in AIT and
will seek support from the representatives of Ministry of Science
and Technology in South Africa, universities,
government research agencies during a brainstorming meeting in the
near future. The Ambassador also extended an invitation
or AIT to attend the South African Women’s day on
8 August 2008. Dr. Kyoko Kusakabe from the Gender and
Development field of study, has kindly accepted to
represent AIT at the event.