Professor Peter Haddawy, Vice President for Academic Affairs, has
been invited to serve as a member of the Steering Committee of the
SEA-EU-NET Project. The SEA-EU-NET Project has been set up to expand
scientific collaboration between Europe and South East Asia in a more
strategic and coherent manner. The project was launched in January 2008
and involves 17 key institutions from the two regions. It will adopt an
evidence-based approach to increase the quality, quantity, profile and
impact of Science and Technology (S&T) cooperation between the ten
member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
and the Member- and Associated States of the European Union (EU). This
is in support of the international strategy of the EU, and in
particular the specific objectives of the Seventh Framework Programme
for Research and Technological Development (FP7) - the EU's primary
funding opportunity for collaborative scientific research.