I admire AIT, says UNEP Executive Director

I admire AIT, says UNEP Executive Director

Dr. Steiner added that he enjoyed the UNEP “home” at AIT. Our research
centre fits so naturally with the mission and vision of AIT. It could
be a coincidence and accident of history, but it has become a purpose
in its own right, he said.

Dr. Steiner was welcomed by AIT Vice President (Research) Prof. Sudip
Kumar Rakshit, and Head of the External Relations and Communications
Office (ERCO), Dr. Pritam Krishna Shrestha. Prof Rakshit elaborated on
the AIT-UNEP RRC.AP partnership stating that AIT looks forward towards
further interactions with UNEP.

He hoped that UNEP would sign the new AIT charter. Prof Rakshit
revealed that AIT will be hosting a conference to launch a Centre for
Sustainable Development in the context of Climate Change.

Dr. Steiner appreciated the focus areas of AIT including environment,
management and technology which match those of UNEP. Delving on the
enormity of the crisis of climate change, Dr. Steiner said glacial melt
would force 200-300 million people to face a new hydrological reality.

Mentioning the low carbon office inaugurated at AIT-UNEP RRC.AP, Dr.
Steiner said better management and technology could ensure that the
same building could be run at almost half the cost. Congratulating AIT
on its Golden Jubilee, the UNEP Executive Director said he remains as
committed, interested and passionate towards AIT as before. “This is a
fascinating time for AIT, as it sits on a mountain of initiatives in
Asia,” Dr Steiner added.

Interacting with Dr. Steiner, Prof. Sivanappan Kumar, Dean, School of
Environment, Resources and Development (SERD), revealed that a
postgraduate course is being planned on Climate Change, an idea which
was very well received by the UNEP Executive Director.

Prof. Jayant Kumar Routray, Director-ASEAN Regional Center of
Excellence on MDGs elaborated on the role AIT is playing in achieving
the Millennium Development Goals. Dr. Oleg Shipin, Associate Professor
and Coordinator of the Environmental Engineering & Management Field
of Study, stressed the need for greater association between
international organizations. Prof. Ajit Padmakar Annachhatre, Director
of the AIT-United Nations' Office at AIT, lauded the cooperation
between AIT and UNEP.

From Left to Right : Dr. Dechen
Tsering, Deputy Regional Director, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and
the Pacific (UNEP-ROAP),Prof Ajit Padmakar Annachhatre, Director of the
AIT-United Nations' Office at AIT, Mr. Henk Verbeek , Administrative
Officer, UNEP ROAP, Dr. Young-Woo Park, Regional Director and
Representtive, UNEP ROAP Dr. Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UNEP,
and Prof. Sudip Kumar Rakshit, Vice President