The AIT President met with Mr. Bakary Kante, Director for UNEP's
Division of Environmental Law and Conventions (DELC) and Mr Surendra
Shrestha, Director for UNEP's Resource Mobilization and Strategic
Initiatives, who is also a distinguished alumnus of AIT. It was agreed
that both organizations would work together on a new MoU between AIT
and UNEP RRCAP, in line with UNEP's approach to strategic partnerships,
and to build on the 20-50 partnership.
An enhanced role for AIT and RRC.AP in assisting with the delivery of
UNEP's programmes, as part of the Collaborative Action Network (CAN)
was also discussed. This follows discussions at the annual CAN and
Advisory Meetings convened in early October, and a recent meeting of
the Open Ended Working Group on Mercury, where AIT partnered with
RRC.AP to come up with an "Options Analysis and Feasibility Study for
the Long Term Storage of Mercury in Asia and the Pacific".
The meeting was coordinated by Mr Mahesh Pradhan and Ms Aida
Karazhanova from the AIT-UNEP RRC.AP.