Multicultural welcome show at AIT draws packed house

Multicultural welcome show at AIT draws packed house

The cultural extravaganza witnessed participation of students from
Asia, Europe and Africa. An interesting display was a joint
‘international’ performance by students of various countries. Many
participants included songs and music from other countries while
presenting their performance, illustrating the multi cultural character
of AIT.

Students from India won the top honors in both song and dance
competitions, while students from Thailand won the drama contest. The
team from Cambodia bagged the Ms. and  Mr. AIT contest. The
international group won the second prize in the song competition, while
students from Myanmar won the third prize. In the dance competition,
the team from Myanmar was the second runner up, while the team from
Thailand finished as the first runner up.

Welcoming the participants, Prof. Sudip Kumar Rakshit, Vice President
for Research said every welcome show is a joyous moment not just for
students, but also for the institute. While complimenting AIT students
for organizing the show, he also launched Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) signature campaign at AIT. The one billion hungry
project is a global communication campaign initiated by FAO.

Students also showcased a video on the impact of floods in Pakistan.
President of the AIT Student Union, Mr. Worawaj Onnom distributed
prizes to winners of various competitions organized by the AIT SU.
Roger Johansson, Senior Advisor to the President distributed the awards
for the song competition, while Ms. Madhavi Afzulpulkar of AIT
International School gave away the prizes for the drama contest. Mr.
Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director, Fundraising Campaign distributed the
prizes for the dance contest.

A scene from the drama presented by
students from Thailand.