SDCC to serve as Regional Centres for Climate Change Technology Needs Assessment in Asia

SDCC to serve as Regional Centres for Climate Change Technology Needs Assessment in Asia

This is part of a worldwide effort by the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) to implement the TNA project, which is designed to support 35 to
45 countries within the framework of the UNFCCC. The project is being
implemented in two rounds, with 5 to 6 countries in Asia (Thailand,
Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Georgia) in the first
round and another 5 to 6 countries in Asia to be included in the second
round. The objective of the TNA project is to assist participant
developing country identify and analyze priority technology needs,
which can form the basis for a portfolio of environmentally sound
technology (EST) projects and programmes to facilitate the transfer of,
and access to, the ESTs and know-how in the implementation of Article
4.5 of the UNFCCC Convention.

The project is also aimed at strengthening the networking of the
regional centers in different parts of the world and enhances their
cooperation with countries through their role as regional knowledge hub
for supporting relevant activities in the region. The capacity built
through the project can be useful far beyond the duration of this
project in this important area of technology transfer. This is because
many more activities can be expected to be initiated by various donors,
governments, and other agencies in all the regions. Prof. S.K.Rakshit
and Prof . S.Kumar will serve as the focal point for the Regional
Centres in SDCC, AIT in adaptation and mitigation respectively.

A first Regional Capacity Building Workshop for round one countries in
Asia has been conducted in Bangkok from 15-17 September 2010. The aim
was to familiarize the country TNA coordinators, national consultant,
and experts in selecting technologies/strategies for Mitigation &
Adaptation, conducting the stakeholder engagement and other technical
support knowledge they might need for TNA implementation. Participants
included country participants from the five first round countries,