“Students from AIT are among the best”

“Students from AIT are among the best”

Dr. Mariani remarked that AIT was one of the three global educational
institutions where he had found such student diversity. Mr. Kenneth S.
Brown, Managing Director and Chairman of Skydoor Pte Limited stated
that this was the first instance of his company partnering with an
educational institute. Skydoor is in the process of creating an open
source digital imaging knowledge, search, learn and apply environment,
composed of Gemini web and desktop based platforms. “We see a huge
potential in the education sector and our tools can be used for a wide
variety of three dimension visualization,” he said.

Prof. Said Irandoust, President of the AIT welcomed Skydoor and
highlighted the new initiatives of AIT. He appreciated that Skydoor was
actively involved in providing a platform to AIT students where they
could showcase their talents.

Skydoor signed a MOU with AIT wherein the two partners with help
create the Skydoor environment to be used by Universities and other
institutes of higher learning to enhance skills in computer and digital
imaging environments. The two partners will also promote creativity in
computer and digital imaging and drive developing nations towards a
knowledge based economy. The MOU also seeks to create a laboratory to
spearhead research in cutting edge computer graphics. Skydoor will have
a campus at AIT which will be the seat of a number of activities
including running computer and management internship programs.

The MOU was signed by Prof. Irandoust and Mr. Kenneth Brown. Dr.
Matthew N Dailey, Coordinator, Computer Science and Information
Management (CSIM) program at AIT’s School of Engineering and Technology
(SET) shall be the contact person for the MOU.

Others who attended the MOU signing ceremony included Dr.Weerakorn
Ongsakul, Dean, School of Environment, Resources and Development
(SERD); Dr. Sandro Calvani, Director, Director of the ASEAN Regional
Centre of Excellence on Millennium Development Goals (ARCMDG); Dr.
Matthew N Dailey; Dr. Roland Amoussou-Guenou, adjunct faculty, School
of Management (SOM), AIT and founder, Asia-Africa Foundation (ASAFO);
and Mr. Kyaw Soe Hlaing, Acting Head, External Relations and
Communications Office (ERCO).