ASE faculty receives the Young Researcher Award

ASE faculty receives the Young Researcher Award

Dr. Peeyush Soni, Adjunct Faculty in the Agricultural Systems
Engineering (ASE) program in the School of Environment, Resources and
Development (SERD) has been awarded the AMA Shin-Norinsha Association
for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) Young Researcher

The award was jointly established by the Shin-Norinsha Co. Ltd. and
the Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) in 2004 to
recognize and honor young researchers with outstanding contributions to
the advancement in the profession of Agricultural Engineering. The
Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE) was formally established on
December 5, 1990 by virtue of a vote of the assembly by participants at
the International Agricultural Engineering Conference, held at the
Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, December 3 - 6,

Selection of the recipient for this distinction is made once in every
two years through an open search. Dr. Soni was bestowed this award
during the 11th International Agricultural Engineering Conference,
Shanghai (China), held between 16-20 September, 2010. The award
citation reads – “The AMA Shin-Norinsha AAAE Young Researcher Award –
2010 is presented to Dr. Peeyush Soni, in recognition of his
outstanding contributions to the advancement of Agricultural
Engineering profession”.