Analyzing particles in zero dimensions

Analyzing particles in zero dimensions

Speaking at Center for Excellence in Nanotechnology at AIT, Dr. Kim
remarked that this property of fundamental particles makes it possible
to create structures that would normally be unrealizable in nature.
Squeezing electrons into lower dimensions reduces their energy levels,
since in low dimension structures, energy depends on size. By reducing
dimensions, we are able to exercise greater control and manipulate
structures, he added.
Quoting practical applications, Dr. Kim stated great potential exists
in the field of therapeutics, particularly in cancer. Quoting the
example of cars which consume 75 per cent of its energy for heating and
only a quarter of the energy for running the car, Dr. Kim identified
energy as another filed with tremendous opportunities.

Earlier Prof. Gabor Louis Hornyak, interim Director of the Center for
Learning Innovation and Quality (CLIQ) welcomed Dr. Kim. He also
appreciated the effort of Dr. Robert P. Breault, Chairman of the Board
of Breault Research Organization (BRO) in facilitating the interaction
with Dr. Kim.