GTZ invites AIT to participate in trilateral projects

GTZ invites AIT to participate in trilateral projects

German Trilateral Cooperation
’ is a joint program initiated by
Thailand and Germany to support development cooperation with Thailand’s
neighboring countries. “Since AIT has a vast pool of students from the
target countries and possesses considerable expertise in the region,
the institute is ideally placed to participate in these projects,” Mr.
Apichai remarked. He added that the priority areas of the trilateral
cooperation include education, rural development and health. GTZ’s bilateral cooperation with
Thailand will conclude in 2011, and the focus would shift to Mekong
region countries, where Germany and Thailand will jointly support
capacity building efforts in other countries. Mr. Apichai is the also
the chairperson of Board members of ASEAN Regional Centre of Excellence
on Millennium Development Goals (ARCMDG).

Earlier, Prof. Said Irandoust, President, AIT welcomed Mr. Apichai and
thanked him for continuous support to AIT. GTZ and AIT have a long
history of collaboration and Germany has agreed to sign the new AIT
Charter, Prof. Irandoust said.

Apart from Prof. Irandoust, AIT was represented by Professor Ajit P
Annachhatre, Director, AIT-United Nations Office at AIT; Dr. Rian
Beise-Zee of School of Management (SOM); Ms. Leena Wokeck, Director of
Asian CSR at AIT; Dr. Faiz Shah, Head, Development Management, AIT
Extension; and Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal, Senior Program Officer, ERCO.