Dr. Megh Raj Bhandari, Senior Food Research officer, DFTQC provided a
detailed presentation on behalf of DFTQC and highlighted the areas
where it can collaborate with AIT. Prof. Sudip Kumar Rakshit, Vice
President (Research) stated that the Food Engineering and Bioprocess
Technology (FEBT) field of study at AIT had been working with DFTQC for
a long time and highlighted the new program on Agri Business Management
(ABM) which has been launched at AIT.
Prof. Said Irandoust, President, AIT while welcoming the delegation
expressed his happiness that Nepal and AIT had a long history of
partnership. Nepal is also one of the founding signatories of the new
AIT Charter, he said. “AIT is looking towards an increased presence in
Nepal,” Prof. Irandoust added.
Prof. Athapol Noomhorm of School of Environment, Resources and
Development (SERD) stated that AIT was keen on collaboration and
exchange with DFTQC. Dr. Anil Kumar Anal, SERD remarked that AIT was
already engaged in a partnership and would like to strengthen the
existing arrangement. Others who participated in the meeting included
Mr. Olivier Drean, Coordinator, French Cooperation, External Relations
and Communications Office (ERCO), and Ms. Sumana Shrestha, Program
Officer, ERCO.