Explaining the myriad achievements of science, Prof. Rahman said it is
now possible to grow millions of plants without using any seeds. Plant
biotechnology and genomics has reached a stage where a plant is capable
of generating its own pesticide, thereby obviating the need of an
external pesticide spray. “Genes from a firefly can be transferred to
orchids which make them luminescent,” Prof. Rahman revealed. There are
particles which can bend light, and science has created paper that is
stronger than steel.
Mapping of the human genome sequence has been accomplished and nucleic
acid looks like a necklace made of three billion beads or four
different colors. “It is the combination of these beads that determine
the color of our eyes and our height among others,” Prof. Rahman said.
Science is helping identify susceptibility of disease even before it
occurs and has ventured into personalized medicine, he added.
“It is world where the blind can see with their tongue courtesy a
camera mounted on their spectacles and a lollipop like device fitted
with sensors inside their mouth,” Prof. Rahman said. Paralyzed people
can move a wheelchair with thought control, via a skull cap which
senses their feelings. Planes flying at a speed greater than ‘Mach 5’,
can utilize oxygen from the stratosphere to enable fuel less flying.
Advising students not to tread on the trodden path, but to embark on a
journey of discovery, Prof. Rahman exhorted students to stand for
principles and not to comprise their integrity. Genius is 99 per cent
perspiration and one per cent inspiration, he repeated while asking
students to believe in themselves.
“Remember that the stars in the galaxy are expanding continuously
while undergoing a process of fusion”, Prof Rahman said. When they
become too big, the supernova explodes and scatters the star material
all over. Whatever exists today has emerged from the center of burning
stars. “The most amazing miracle of all is that all of us are born from
star dust, and all we have to do is shine,” Prof. Rahman concluded
amidst a thunderous applause from the audience at AIT’s 114th