MacArthur Foundation honor for AIT alumnus

MacArthur Foundation honor for AIT alumnus

Reacting to the award, Dr. Dorji, who completed his doctorate in 2003
from AIT’s School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD),
stated that the award is a result of “harmonious relationship and hard
work” of all participants.

While announcing the award, the
MacArthur Foundation
stated that RSPN is “Bhutan's only national
non-profit focused primarily on the conservation of the country's famed
environment and biodiversity,” and is actively engaged in conservation,
education, outreach, and sustainable development. The Royal Society
protects the Phobjikha Valley, wetlands that are home to endangered
species including hundreds of globally threatened black-necked cranes.
These wetlands also serve as a crucial biological corridor connecting
the Jigme Singye Wangchuk National Park with two other national parks.

The Royal Society for Protection of Nature will use its $350,000 award
to contribute to its endowment, create an operating reserve, and
construct a public library and conference center.