Discussing the satellite campus model of AIT, Prof. Saleem revealed
that foreign universities have launched partnership programs with
various institutes in Pakistan. The concept of international campuses
is evident in Pakistan, India and China, he said. He added that the
Higher Education Council (HEC) and Pakistan
Engineering Council (PEC) are the
two bodies overseeing the quality of engineering education in the
Prof. Saleem was welcomed by Prof. Said Irandoust, President, AIT, who
elaborated on the AIT satellite concept. Prof. Irandoust remarked that
all satellite campuses will have to maintain their internationality and
follow AIT standards. AIT would provide academic and quality assurance
in these satellite campuses, he added. Dr. Pritam Krishna Shrestha,
Head, External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO), informed
Prof. Saleem about AIT’s history and background.
Others who attended the meeting included Dr.Weerakorn Ongsakul, Dean,
School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); Dr. Jonathan
Shaw, Director, AIT Extension; Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Coordinator,
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (RS&GIS) program,
School of Engineering and Technology (SET); Mr. Voravate Chonlasin,
Head, Public Sector Capacity Building, AIT Extension; Vickrant Gurung,
Program Associate, School of Management (SOM); and Ms. Sumana Shrestha,
Program Officer, ERCO.