“If you do not raise issues in your classroom, then improvements will
arrive at a slow pace,” the AIT President remarked, adding that he
assures each student of “protection” in case they fear that raising
their voice could harm their grades.
Prof. Louis Hornyak, Interim Director, CLIQ, presented a summary of
the interim findings of the feedback received from a questionnaire
given to students. The summary feedback was based on 170 replies from
among the 550 forms distributed to all students. He stated that the
student feedback suggested that more respondents viewed AIT in an
encouraging light. “A detailed statistical analysis of the feedback
will be prepared and shared with the students,” he added. He also
stated that feedback would be obtained from administration, staff and
Negative components of the questionnaire, although
not in the majority, will however form a basis of serious discussion
with the promise of facilitative reform to come. In particular,
President Irandoust proposed a revision of the student faculty
evaluation process that will guarantee anonymity for students along
with course and faculty review panels. The new evaluation process
will be considered for the upcoming fall semester.
Prof. Hornyak also stated that a revised student feedback form is
being implemented in consultation with the AIT Student Union. CLIQ will
also have a blog where students can voice their opinion, he said.
President of the AIT Student Union, Mr. Lawal Umar Kankia, presented a
list of 10 academic issues for the institute’s consideration. These
included among others the ability to take courses of the student’s
choice, increase in library timings, video recording of class room
lectures, open access to lecture notes, and improvements in the
student-teacher ratio.
The AIT President requested the Student Union to conduct a survey
among AIT students on the desirability of opening the AIT library for
24 hours. “In case the majority of students wish, we will hire more
staff and ensure that the library remains open for 24 hours,” he said.
He added that this would be reviewed after six months to ascertain its
feasibility and success.
The President also announced that such forums would be organized at
each of the AIT schools, where students will interact with the School
Dean and its faculty. In response to request by a student seeking a
change in the titles of the degree granted by the AIT by mentioning the
field of study and specialization, Prof. Irandoust asked Prof. Joydeep
Dutta, Vice President for Academic Affairs to take up the issue
This was the second session organized by CLIQ. The first student
assembly organized on 11 April 2011, had seen students bring various
issues concerning academics, research and the administration on the
table. While the first session was held in private with no
representation from faculty, staff or administration; the AIT President
and Vice President for Academic Affairs joined the student assembly on
26 April 2011.