AIT Energy alumnus and professor win ‘Outstanding Paper Award’

AIT Energy alumnus and professor win ‘Outstanding Paper Award’

The paper “A transition to bilateral trading ESI - effect
to generation dispatched cost an analysis of the Thai power system” was
published in International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Volume
4, Issue 4, 2010, by Emerald.

It was selected for the winning award by the journal’s
editorial team, which included a number of eminent scholars. According
the judges, the paper was one of the most impressive submissions of
academic work the team had reviewed in 2010.

Dr. Supattana, a Thai-national who graduated from AIT in
December 2010 and is currently a faculty member at Rangsit University
in Bangkok, explained that the paper is based on her doctoral thesis
work at AIT.

Receiving the award was unexpected and a nice reward for the
pair’s hard work, Dr. Supattana said. “I am so proud of the award
and I am very happy that my advisor can be proud of our work submitted
under the name of AIT." 

The study analyzed the effect on centralized dispatching
generation costs under the condition where the single-buyer electric
supply industry (ESI), with independent power producer (IPP) scheme, is
opened for bilateral trading. The ESI structure is widely implemented
in developing countries. The analysis is based on the Thai power

The paper  illustrated that the operational constraints
under the IPP scheme under the  single-buyer ESI has resulted in
an uneconomic operation in the current power system of Thailand. These
constraints will be accumulated as the power system continues to
expand, and therefore, will be an obstacle for moving towards ESI
reform under conditions of  more competition.

The paper found that potential exists for better operating
conditions for bilateral trading. Planning and policy should take into
consideration these conditions especially during the transitional
period of ESI reform. The authors said the results are instructive for
other developing countries operating the similar ESI structure.

According to Dr. Supattana, the way the paper pointed out the current
system's constraints and provided an analysis and discussion for the
potential solutions may have impressed the judges.

“We worked hard to revise the paper to be as up-to-date as
recommended from the reviewers. The whole work was re-simulated to
incorporate the present situation of

Further information regarding the Awards for Excellence can be
found at the following site:

The paper can be found at: