AIT welcomes new undergraduate students

AIT welcomes new undergraduate students

Prof. Joydeep Dutta, Vice President for Academic Affairs, described
AIT as a platform where academics and research goes hand-in-hand with
diversity and internationality. Prof. Dutta encouraged the new
undergraduate students to interact with students pursuing Master’s
programs at AIT. “This will help you to learn beyond your classrooms as
you embark on a quest for knowledge and learning,” he remarked.

Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Coordinator, Remote Sensing and Geographic
Information Systems (RS&GIS) program, School of Engineering and
Technology (SET), stated that AIT provides an opportunity for
undergraduate students to learn from faculty who are engaged in
research in advanced technologies. Mr. Avishek Kumar Karky, AIT Student
Union President, while welcoming the students, encouraged them to
participate in AIT Student Union activities.

Ms. Laarni B. Roa, acting Student Head and Registry Coordinator,
informed the students about AIT’s “Academic requirements and
procedures.” Mr. Anthony Edwin Guirnela of Netlink (Thailand) briefed
the students on the Student Information System (SIS). Mr. Matthew C.
Laszekski, Director, Language Center spoke about AIT’s English language
requirements and courses offered in learning various languages.

Ms. Wannapa Pliansri, Coordinator, and Ms. Suda Inta, Administrative
Officer of Government Relations Unit (GRU), informed students about
educational visa services, while Mr. Stephen Andrews, Operation
Director, Sodexo spoke about accommodation, facilities and support
services offered at AIT. Prof. Louis Gabor Hornyak, Director Center for
Learning Innovation and Quality (CLIQ) encouraged students to approach
him on issues concerning academic quality. The orientation program was
conducted by Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite, Coordinator, Admission and
Scholarship Office. Dr. Matthew N. Dailey, Coordinator, Undergraduate
Program provided an overview of the undergraduate program at AIT.

Undergraduate students pose in front
of the AIT Landmark.