Dr. Pandey stated that the Academy,
which holds biannual conferences, is keen that AIT should be a partner
for its fifteenth conference which will be held in June 2012. “It will
be the first time that the Academy will host its Conference outside of
India, and we wish to organize it in AIT,” he said. Dr. Pandey stated
that they are also looking towards partnering with other universities
in Thailand.
The Conference attracts around 600 participants, includes sessions on
basic sciences and its applications in engineering and technology. Dr.
Pandey, who hails from department of mathematics, University of
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India; was accompanied by Dr. A.K. Shukla,
Dr. K.N. Pathak, Dr. Dhananjay Gopal, and Dr. Sushil Kumar of Sardar
Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, Gujarat, India.
Dr. Pandey also invited AIT President Prof. Said Irandoust to
participate in the fourteenth international conference which is being
held in Surat later this year. The AIT President elaborated on his work
on learning techniques in the field of Mathematics. The work by Prof.
Irandoust forms the basis of a new Swedish initiative to popularize
mathematics education. Prof Irandoust, who was then serving as Rector
of the University College of Borås was appointed Chairman of a “Mathematics
Delegation” by the Government of Sweden in 2003. The delegation
surveyed the entire gamut of mathematics education from kindergarten to
the university level. Dr. Pandey remarked that he would look forward to
hearing from Prof. Irandoust at the conference.
Others who participated in the discussion included Dr. Nitin Kumar
Tripathi, Associate Dean, School of Engineering and Technology (SET);
Dr. Riaz Rahman Khan, Director, Yunus Center at AIT; Dr. Pritam Krishna
Shrestha, Head, External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO) and
Ms. Tiamkare Thitithamtada, Program Officer, ERCO.