Handing over the donation, Prof. Sriram B. Mathe, Chairperson,
NEF-CCN, stated that with this token contribution, they wish to convey
to the entire AIT community that “they were with AIT, they are with
AIT, and they will be with AIT.” NEF-CCN and AIT are kindred spirits
whose aim is to work towards generation of human resources, he said.
“Our contribution comes from our heart, and we want to express our
solidarity with AIT,” he added.
Prof. Mathe stated that while 2011 was a critical year for the
Institute, 2012 will mark the resurgence and appearance of a
revitalized AIT. He stated that considering the circumstances, the
concept of satellite campus becomes more relevant to AIT, since this
could help in contributing towards the resurgence of the mother campus.
Prof. Mathe was accompanied by Dr. Pramod Bahadur Shrestha,
Coordinator, NEF-CCN.
Prof. Said Irandoust, President, AIT, while accepting the donation,
expressed his gratitude for helping AIT in times of crisis. “I
appreciate our friends from Nepal whose help is unselfish, unlimited
and without any condition,” the President remarked. “From all of us at
AIT, I can assure you that the donation will be invested in areas where
you wish,” he said. Prof. Irandoust thanked both Prof. Mathe and Dr.
Shrestha for mobilizing the community in Nepal for supporting
Those who attended the donation hand-over ceremony included Mr. Karma
Rana, Institute Secretary, AIT; Mr. Gyanendra R. Sthapit, Coordinator
of the Habitech Center, AIT; and Ms. Sumana Shrestha, Program Officer,
External Relations and Communications Office (ERCO).