The “MECHA BIKE” Team of AIT students Rewat Bunchan, M.Eng., and
Surachat Chantarachit, D.Eng., from the mechatronics field of study,
School of Engineering and Technology (SET), captured first-place at the
2nd annual BicyRobo Thailand Championship.
MECHA BIKE emerged victorious over a vehicle from King Mongkut’s
University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB) at the final round of
the competition held on February 8 at Bangkok Racing Circuit. The
winner’s earned a Bt. 150,000 cash prize.
“We feel proud and excited to be the champion of this national
competition,” Rewat said, on behalf of the team.
Jointly organized by Seagate Technology (Thailand) Ltd., Thai Robotics
Society, and the Mechatronics Program, School of Engineering and
Technology, AIT, the final round of BicyRobo 2012 included 13 teams
from universities in Thailand.
The annual competition tests students’ abilities to design and develop
an automated bicycle that can navigate along a predefined route and is
able to balance itself without falling over. It sharpens overall skills
in robotic technology, automation, and control engineering, the
organizers said.
This year, the vehicle that ran the longest distance at the fastest
speed was proclaimed the winner. Rewat explained that MECHA BIKE
reached a speed of 120 meters per minute, and its accuracy was tracked
by a GPS navigation system.
The BicyRobo Thailand competition was supported by Seagate Technology
(Thailand) Ltd. for the second year. It aims to encourage Thai
university students to combine their creativity and scientific skills
to develop robots.
According to the organizers, the competition enhances research and
development capacity and supports knowledge exchange among students
from different institutions. It is a good platform for young
engineering students to apply theoretical knowledge to a real-life
project, officials said.
The victory by the AIT Team was widely reported in the media, and can
be viewed at these news links:
News Wit
Bangkok Biz