Vietnamese undergrads from IU eye SOM

Vietnamese undergrads from IU eye SOM

Led by Ms. Dao Thi Kim Oanh, head of the Office of Student Affairs,
IU, the student contingent was welcomed to AIT by Dr. Winai Wongsurawat
who represented Dr. Barbara Igel, Dean of School of Management (SOM).
Later, the group toured the campus.

In his welcoming remarks Dr. Winai said: “I truly believe that young
people have much to offer and I would like to thank you for choosing
AIT, to become a friend of AIT and by visiting us today. I hope you
have an enjoyable visit. Please make as many friends with young people
at AIT as you can. Exchange email addresses. Keep contact. You are the
future, and the leaders of tomorrow. Welcome to the School of

SOM Program Officer for Marketing and Promotions, Mr. Vickrant Gurung,
and External Relations and Communications Office Senior Program
Officer, Ms. Tiamkare Thitithamtada, were on hand with presentations
and to answer the prospective students’ queries. A number of questions
related to scholarship options available to those studying at AIT.

For Mr. Le Duck Phuc, 22, who majors in international business, AIT
carries a very good reputation, owing largely to the fact that IU’s
Rector, Assoc. Prof. Ho Thanh Phong, is a highly successful AIT
According to Mr. Le Duck, the IU Rector, he found the institute
to be very beneficial to his career following his return home from
Thailand, and he said it provides job opportunities for graduates in

After learning about SOM’s programs, Ms. Ho Tean Thao Nguyen, 20, a
finance and banking major, and Ms. Bui Thi Ngoc Chao, 23, who is
studying marketing, felt it may be hard for them to apply to the AIT
MBA program since it requires 3- 4 years’ working experience.

“As young people, we would like to complete our Master’s degree as
soon as possible,” Ms. Ho Tean Thao Nguyen said.
During the information sessions, the IU students learned of AIT's
close historical linkages to Vietnam. Today AIT maintains
strong academic ties through Asian Institute of Technology in
Vietnam (AIT-VN), a satellite center with strong academic
collaboration with SOM. The group also heard that AIT alumni of
Vietnamese origin make up the second largest group by nationality with

Ms. Dao Thi Kim Oanh also presented details of IU and its academic
programs. International University (IU), one of six member universities
of Vietnam National University HCMC, was established in December 2003.
As an interdisciplinary university, it is the first public university
in Vietnam to use English as the primary language for
teaching, learning and research.