Put the needs of AIT first: Ambassador Norlander

Put the needs of AIT first: Ambassador Norlander

The scanned copy and the text is reproduced here. An English-Thai
machine translation (by Google) is also provided at the end of the

The original article can also be read online at this link:


Put the needs of AIT first
May 22, 2012

I served as Sweden's ambassador to Thailand from 2000 to 2004 and was
vice chair of the Board of Trustees, then chair of the Executive
Committee of AIT, not because of any particular qualifications but
because Sweden has been one of AIT's biggest donors over the years, and
was a founding member of the AIT as an inter-governmental

I remained formally attached to the Institute for more than seven
years and have followed it ever since.

During those seven years I witnessed much progress and encouraging
developments but also schemes to destroy and take over AIT and to oust
the then president. The AIT, as a graduate school, remains to my mind a
vital asset for sustainable development in Asia and a tool for the
transfer of technological know-how to emerging nations and economies.
The present organisation, with regional as well as international
ownership of the Institute, is ideally designed to satisfy these needs
and the Council, along with the president, bears the responsibility to
carry it through.

This past year the AIT campus was flooded, with widespread damage as a
consequence. This misfortune has harmed the students and of course hit
the AIT treasury hard.

There are now calls to undo the AIT as an inter-governmental
organisation, to return to the former model. I fail to understand the
motives. Such a move would render the Institute inoperable in the short
run and the consequences would hit both faculty and students. In the
medium term, financing of the Institute would become uncertain and its
international reputation would suffer badly because of such
inconsistency. My conclusion is that such moves may be governed by
other interests than those of AIT.

I understand that the government has temporarily frozen its AIT grant
because of the efforts to, again, change the Institute's status, in
fact to take a step backwards. I am convinced, however, that since it
was once the initiative of the government to transform the AIT into an
inter-governmental organisation, the grant freeze must be caused by
understandable confusion when faced with the current coup attempt. I
lend no credibility to those who point out that the IGO-initiative was
taken while another political party was in power and that this would be
behind the current freeze; such a theory is in fact an insult to the
maturity of good governance and democracy in the kingdom.

I would like to take this opportunity to plead with the Council and
the members of the former Board of Trustees to put the interests of AIT
and its students first; thus to lend all their support to the
implementation of the statutes of AIT as an inter-governmental
organisation instead of disrupting it, and also to support the
president and his team in the rehabilitation of the campus and the AIT
reputation which may be again damaged.

Jan Axel Norlander

Google Translation:

ใส่ความต้องการของ AIT ก่อน


ผมทำหน้าที่เป็นทูตของประเทศสวีเดนมายังประเทศไทย 2000-2004
และรองประธานของคณะกรรมาธิการนั้นเก้าอี้ของคณะกรรมการบริหารของ AIT
ไม่ได้เพราะคุณสมบัติเฉพาะใด ๆ
แต่เพราะสวีเดนได้รับหนึ่งในผู้บริจาครายใหญ่ที่สุด AIT กว่าปี,
และเป็นสมาชิกก่อตั้งของ AIT ในฐานะองค์กรระหว่างรัฐ


แต่ยังแผนการที่จะทำลายและใช้เวลามากกว่า AIT

ปีที่ผ่านมานี้มหาวิทยาลัย AIT
โชคร้ายนี้ได้รับอันตรายนักเรียนและหลักสูตรตี AIT คืนยาก

ขณะนี้มีการเรียกร้องให้ยกเลิก AIT

ผมเข้าใจว่ารัฐบาลมีการแช่แข็งชั่วคราวให้ AIT
ผมเชื่อ แต่ที่มันเคยเป็นความคิดริเริ่มของรัฐบาลในการแปลง AIT

AIT และนักศึกษาเป็นครั้งแรก;
จึงให้ยืมทั้งหมดของพวกเขาสนับสนุนการดำเนินการตามกฎเกณฑ์ของ AIT เป็น
AIT ซึ่งอาจได้รับความเสียหายอีกครั้ง

Nordlander ม.ค. Axel
