AIT organizes training program of domestic biogas systems

AIT organizes training program of domestic biogas systems

Led by Dr. P. Abdul Salam and Prof. Sivanappan Kumar of Energy field
of study, the training was attended by participants from Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand and

Participating in the conference, experts remarked that there is a huge
need for capacity building in biogas systems in the region. This is
fuelled by an increase in domestic biogas plants, both in number as
well as geographic coverage.

Organized by AIT in association with SNV Netherlands Development
, the training program was sponsored by the Asian
Development Bank (
ADB - Energy for all
) and Energy Environment Partnership -
Mekong (EEP)
. SNV provides content-wise support to AIT for an
initial period after which the course will become part of the regular
AIT training programs. The ADB initiative “Energy for All Partnership”
postulates the creation of an additional one million units in 15
countries in Asia by 2015-16.

Participants at the training program
on “Design and Management of Domestic Biogas Systems”organized at the
Asian Institute of Technology.