AIT student Ashik Rajbhandari takes prize at 14th APNG Camp

AIT student Ashik Rajbhandari takes prize at 14th APNG Camp

Presenting his research entitled "Topic - Geo Mapping of Disaster
Information Using Ontology," at 14th APNG Camp held in Seoul, South
Korea, new PhD student Mr. Ashik Rajbhandari (RS/GIS), impressed the
Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG) community and was awarded the
runner-up prize for best research presentation.

Mr. Ashik Rajbhandari, who also completed his Master's in Engineering
in RS/GIS at AIT, is working under the guidance of Dr. Masahiko Nagai
(RS/GIS). His research proposes a more precise way to acquire
information from a certain database. The system works as a relevant
knowledge-based system acquiring the objectives of identification,
integration, semantic interoperability, standardization and
visualization of related information for disaster. The study is based
on a developed ontology maintained under a common standard format in
distributed indexes and visualizing the information via Google maps or
onto-graph. This research is being sponsored by the government of

The camp opened with a welcome addresses from Dr. Jae Chul Sir (CEO,
Korea Internet and Security Agency - KISA) and APNG Chair, Mr. Ching
Chiao. Distinguished Professor Kilnom Chon of the Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) delivered the keynote
speech on the history of the Internet in Asia. Professor Chon
established the first TCP/IP network in Asia. Over 80 participants from
15 countries / territories attended this year's camp.

This year, AIT was represented by three fellows including Mr. Ashik
Rajbhandari; Mr. Vilachith Phommasack, Lao PDR (CSIM); and Ms. Kim
Escobin (MCU). Kim Escobin was invited to join the organizing committee
as co-chair for next year's camp.

Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG)
is a non-profit Internet organization dedicated to the advancement of
networking infrastructure in the Asia Pacific region and to the
research and development of all associated enabling technologies. The
annual APNG Camp aims to
bring together future internet leaders in the Asia Pacific Region with
the AP professional to meet and work together. 

The 14th APNG Camp was featured on the Korean local news agency D-Daily.
This year's camp sponsored by Korea Internet and Security Agency
(KISA), Internet Society and DotAsia among many others. The 14th APNG
Camp was held at the E-wha Woman's University - world's largest women's
university, located in central Seoul, South Korea.