Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) signs MoU with AIT

Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) signs MoU with AIT

The MoU was signed by Mr. Kaname Ikeda, President, RESTEC, and Prof. Said
Irandoust, President, AIT on 23 August 2012. The MoU aims to encourage
collaboration in the field of earth observation data utilization
including exchange of personnel, researchers and engineers; provision
of lectures and training; and promoting joint research and

Signing the MoU, Mr. Ikeda stated that it had been his desire to
strengthen relations with AIT. My personal commitment has been to
foster better relations with Universities, Mr. Ikeda remarked. He
stated that RESTEC was established in 1975 with a focus on remote
sensing technology and capacity building. Since then, it has been
working in research and development in the field of remote sensing, and
has helped in spreading the results of its research work.

Welcoming the delegation, the AIT President stated that the mission of
AIT matches that of RESTEC, since both are involved in research and
capacity building. He added that the Government of Japan has been a
supporter of AIT, actively helping AIT with provision funds for
infrastructure and scholarships, along with secondment of faculty.

Dr. Lal Samarakoon, Director, Geo Informatics Center (GIC), AIT,
stated that AIT has been working with RESTEC since 1987. He added that
RESTEC is also a partner in a Japan International Cooperation Agency
(JICA)-AIT project offering training to participants from eight
countries from Africa. Our expertise and network will complement
RESTEC’s expertise and help in spread of technology in the region, he

The visiting delegation also included Dr. Masahiko Honzawa, Senior
Research Scientist, RESTEC, Thailand; Mr. Toru Sasaki, Director,
Bangkok Office, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA); Dr.
Yoshikazu Kamiya, Advisor to Director, International Relations
Department, JAXA; and Mr. Koji Tawara, First Secretary, Embassy of
Japan in Thailand.

AIT was represented by Prof. I.M.Pandey, Vice President for Academic
Affairs; Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Associate Dean, School of
Engineering and Technology, and Coordinator, Remote Sensing and
Geographical Information System field of study; Dr. Masahiko Nagai,
Associate Director, GIC; Dr. Manzul Hazarika, Associate Director, GIC;
Mr. Ahmed Amjad Ali, Head, External Relations and Communications Office
(ERCO); and Ms. Sumana Shrestha, Program Officer, ERCO.