Kurunegala Municipal Council Mayor compliments AIT for Low Carbon initiative

Kurunegala Municipal Council Mayor compliments AIT for Low Carbon initiative

“We are determined to be one of the best cities in Sri Lanka and if
possible even in the world,” the Mayor remarked. Participating in the
program “Action towards resource-efficient and low carbon cities in
Asia,” on 13 September 2012 were delegates from the Kurunegala, which
is one of the 10 cities selected under the Low Carbon Cities (LCC)
project. The Mayor also met the AIT President, Prof. Said Irandoust.

Prof. Sivanappan Kumar of Energy field of study at AIT’s School of
Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) revealed that under the
LCC program, three cities in Thailand and Vietnam, one in Laos PDR and
three municipalities in Sri Lanka have been selected. Prof. C.
Visvanathan, also of AIT’s SERD provided an overview of the program,
which includes strengthening the capacity of city authorities in
climate change, mitigation and adaptation. The program aims to assist
small and medium-sized cities of Asia in their efforts to create a low
carbon society, he said.

Mr. Jayantha Wijeratne, Secretary to the Chief Minister, North Western
province of Sri Lanka; and Mr. Gamini Senanayake, Chairman and Managing
Director, Gamini Senanayake Associates, who helped coordinate the
program, also participated in the meeting. AIT participants included
Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal, Dr Brahmanand Mohanty, Dr P. Abdul Salam, Mr.
Pravakar Pradhan all from SERD; and Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Director,

Details about the Low Carbon Cities program are available at this
link:  http://lcc.ait.asia/