Insurance Co. DIC offers lump-sum payout of 223.45-Mil Bt. on flood damaged equipment and utilities

Insurance Co. DIC offers lump-sum payout of 223.45-Mil Bt. on flood damaged equipment and utilities

The latest offer was communicated to AIT in an email on 21 October 2012
by Chavengsak Kemhiranchanwong, Managing Director, Asian-Thai Surveyor
& Adjuster Co., Ltd. The proposal from DIC would allow AIT to
manage all replacement purchases and payment installments by

The indemnity basis payment is 2,989,035.07 Baht less than DIC’s
original offer to pay 226.44 Million Baht on the AIT claim value as
calculated on a new replacement basis.

Based on the original calculation, all replacement equipment must be
identified by AIT in an asset list, and the institute would be expected
to pay an additional mark-up of 40% for every item purchased. Under
those terms, if AIT were to not buy an item, monies
earmarked for the unpurchased item would be clawed back
by DIC.

Learning of the offer, AIT President Said Irandoust thanked Dhiphaya
Insurance Company and said the Institute was very pleased with the
outcome of recent negotiations. He also expressed his thanks to the AIT
Rebuilding and Upgrading Committee (ARUC) for its hard work to arrive
at this solution.

According to Dr. Sun Sayamipuk, Project Management Consultant,
Coordinator and Secretariat, ARUC, the new offer by DIC would be
discussed at its next meeting.