102 students from 16 countries join AIT

102 students from 16 countries join AIT

Welcoming the students, AIT President Prof. Said Irandoust stated that
AIT is more than a university, as it is a networking institution that
provides an ideal platform to forge new connections. AIT is an
International Intergovernmental Institute with an 18,000 strong alumni
network. Stating that education is about building one’s character,
Prof. Irandoust remarked that education makes a person more critical
and reflective. You will learn more outside your classrooms when you
share knowledge with others, he said. The AIT President also described
an ideal teacher as a person who serves as a bridge inviting students
to cross over.

The new students were introduced to AIT by Mr. Benjamin A. Gargabite,
Coordinator, Admissions and Scholarships. Dr. Louis Gabor Hornyak,
Director, Center for Learning, Innovation and Quality (CLIQ), who
provided the students with a brief overview about AIT asked students to
experience and contribute towards AIT’s diversity.

The new batch of students come from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Finland,
France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Korea, Maldives, Myanmar,
Nepal, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sweden and Thailand.

The students were also addressed by Dr. Barbara Igel, Dean, School of
Management (SOM); Dr. Nitin V Afzulpurkar, Dean, School of Engineering
and Technology (SET); Dr. Amararatne Yakupitiyage, Associate Dean,
School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD); and Ms.
Saengabha Srisopaporn, President, AIT Student Union (AITSU).

The students will be briefed about AIT’s policy against harassment by
Dr. Donyapruet Krairit, Chair-Gender Equality Committee; on Student
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards, and Academic Requirements and
Practices by Ms. Laarni B. Roa, Coordinator, Registry; on Language
Center Services and the English Language Requirements by Mr. Matthew
Laszewski and Mr. Robin Hatfield, outgoing and incoming Director of AIT
Language Center; on Student Welfare, Placement and Counseling Services
and Medical Services by Ms. Joan Carla Gonzales, Coordinator, Student
Affairs Unit and Career Center; on Student Accommodation and Facility
Management by Operations Director, Sodexo; on Use of SIS by Mr. Tony
Guirnela, Netlink; on Laptop Subsidy, Computing and Network Facilities
and Services and Internet Ethics by Mr. Olivier Nicole, AIT IT
Committee; and on Educational Visa and Government Relations Services by
Ms. Wannapa Pliansri, Coordinator, Government Relations Unit, External
Relations and Communications Office (ERCO).

A picture gallery of the event can be found at these links:

