Amb. Curtis Chin calls for ‘U.S. business, education and culture pivot to Asia’ on CNBC Asia’s Squawk Box

Amb. Curtis Chin calls for ‘U.S. business, education and culture pivot to Asia’ on CNBC Asia’s Squawk Box

The former U.S. Ambassador to the Asian Development Bank was a guest
on CNBC Asia’s popular business news television program Squawk Box on
January 29.

In a roundtable interview in Singapore with hosts Martin Soong, Lisa
Oake and Sri Jegarajah, Mr. Chin expressed hope that the Obama
Administration's so-called "pivot to Asia" will be a more robust pivot
or rebalancing in Asia, with more emphasis on boosting trade relations
to complement military ties.

During the five-minute live appearance, Ambassador Chin also spoke of
the real challenge facing the fast-growing "BRIC" (Brazil, Russia,
India and China) nations posed by a lower-case “bric” of “bureaucracy,
regulation, interventionism, and corruption”. These are the true
constraints to growth in Asia and elsewhere, he said, and may well also
hold back the BRIC economies as well as growth prospects in other
nations around the world.

The ambassador also assessed what a second term Obama Administration
agenda might mean for business in Asia, from a trends

Watch the interview at this link: