Governance of global environmental change for sustainability

Governance of global environmental change for sustainability

Stating that Earth System Governance is the largest social science
research network in the area of governance and global environmental
change, Mr. Zondervan said that its research domains include food
systems, global water systems, global climate systems and global
economic systems.

Issues of architecture of Earth System Governance, agencies,
‘adaptiveness’ of the mechanisms, accountability, and allocation and
access form the core of the research framework. This 10-year research
program has nine research centers, and the International Project Office
is located at the Lund University Centre for Sustainable Studies
(LUCSUS), Lund University, Sweden.

Earlier Dr. Shobhakar Dhakal, Associate Professor, School of
Environment, Resources and Development, AIT introduced Mr. Ruben
Zondervan and the concept of institutional dimensions of global
environmental change.

Details about Earth System Governance are available at this