SOM graduate wins 2012 Emerald / EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award

SOM graduate wins 2012 Emerald / EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award

A Thai national, Dr. Assadej earned a doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy
2009) from the AIT School of Management (SOM) and is currently the
director of Ph.D and MSc. programs in Logistics and Supply Chain
Management of the Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University,

His research was selected by the editorial team of International
Journal of Operations & Production Management, which is the
official journal of the European Operations Management Association. Dr.
Assadej is the first Thai and first person affiliated with AIT to have
received this award.

Dr. Assadej’s paper was earlier published as part of the requirements
for his doctoral degree at AIT, summarizing his Ph.D. thesis research
results. Dr. Barbara Igel, Dean of School of Management, was the chair
of his thesis committee at AIT.

Recently, he also received the Outstanding Paper Award (2012) from
National Institute for Development Administration (NIDA) for his paper
“The Relationship between Employee Involvement, Partnership Management
and Supply Performance: Findings from a Developing Country”, published
in the International Journal of Productivity and Performance
Management. Vol. 61 No. 2, pp. 157-172.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited, publisher of the largest collection
of international business and management journals, and the European
Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), a global membership
organization with more than 700 institutional members from academia,
business and public services, seek to celebrate excellence in research
by sponsoring the 2012 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research

The research entries were judged according to
significance/implications for theory and practice; originality and
innovation; appropriateness and application of the methodology;
analysis and presentation of the data; and quality of the literature

Dr. Assadej receives a cash prize of €1,500 (or currency equivalent),
a certificate, and the prospect of an offer of publication in the
sponsoring journal – either as a full paper or an executive summary –
at the discretion of the editor(s).