Ms. Kathlyn Kissy Sumaylo
risk reduction and climate change adaptation. The citation mentions how
she became interested in disaster risk reduction when she was a
graduate student at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). She became
acquainted not only with different regional initiatives on
community-based disaster risk management but also with ecosystem
practices in the Mekong region during her field exposure as well as
research assignment at the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center in
Bangkok, the citation adds. Ms. Kathylyn graduated with a Master’s in
Gender and Development Studies (GDS) from AIT in 2008.
The Devex ‘40 Under 40’ award highlights the work of 40 young leaders
in the international development community under the age of 40. The
election process includes a public nomination process and review of
over 250 nominees. Awardees are selected on the basis of their
influence on the development agenda, and the impact on development
results in the Philippines and abroad. Following the holding of 40
Under 40 events in London in 2011, and in Washington, D.C. in 2010,
Devex has selected the Philippines as the first emerging country to
host the event.
More details about Devex 40 Under 40 are available at this
link: http://manila40.devex.com
Details about Mr. Kathlyn are available at this link: http://manila40.devex.com/sumaylo/