Mr. Ngo Thanh Son, a doctoral student of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has been awarded the “University of Nairobi-International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Research Grants Award.”
The award is granted to strengthen the capacity of Master’s and
Doctoral students in universities in Africa, Asia and Latin America to
more effectively engage in research on innovative application of ICTs
in addressing water-related impacts of climate change leading
appropriate policy formulation.The award comprises of a cash grant of CAD $15,000. Mr. Ngo Thanh Son
is conducting his research on “Assessment of Land Use change and
Climate Variability on Water Resources for the Upper Ma River Basin of
Viet Nam’. His research aims to use the Soil and Water Assessment Tools
(SWAT) model to assess the impacts of land use change and climate
variability on water resources for the upper Ma river basin of Viet
Nam. Mr. Son is conducting his research under the supervision of Dr.
Rajendra P Shrestha, Associate Professor, Natural Resources Management
(NRM), at AIT’s School of Environment, Resources, and Development
Doctoral students in universities in Africa, Asia and Latin America to
more effectively engage in research on innovative application of ICTs
in addressing water-related impacts of climate change leading
appropriate policy formulation.The award comprises of a cash grant of CAD $15,000. Mr. Ngo Thanh Son
is conducting his research on “Assessment of Land Use change and
Climate Variability on Water Resources for the Upper Ma River Basin of
Viet Nam’. His research aims to use the Soil and Water Assessment Tools
(SWAT) model to assess the impacts of land use change and climate
variability on water resources for the upper Ma river basin of Viet
Nam. Mr. Son is conducting his research under the supervision of Dr.
Rajendra P Shrestha, Associate Professor, Natural Resources Management
(NRM), at AIT’s School of Environment, Resources, and Development