25 participants from 18 international organizations join TSF training at AIT

25 participants from 18 international organizations join TSF training at AIT

TSF, a partner of AIT, is training 100 international emergency
responders in telecommunications and information technology, and this
is the first round at an year-long training program.

Participants come from nine Asian countries including Afghanistan
(Concern, International Medical Corps (IMC), Norwegian Refugee Council
(NRC), Save the Children); Bangladesh (Action Aid, Action Contre la
Faim); India (Adventist Development and Relief Agency India); Indonesia
(Mercycorps, Croix Rouge); Nepal (CARE, Plan, Save the Children);
Pakistan (ACTED, International Rescue Committee (IRC), Norwegian
Refugee Council (NRC), Médecins du Monde, UNHCR, Save the Children);
Philippines (Plan, Save the Children); Sri Lanka (Norwegian Refugee
Council (NRC); Myanmar (International Rescue Committee (IRC),
Solidarités International).

The training is a part of a program supported by European Commission’s
Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department (ECHO) to train 100
international emergency responders. This year-round training program
targets humanitarian organizations on Asia, America, and for the very
first time Africa.

According to Mr. Gregory Rebattu, TSF Delegate for Asia-Pacific,
participants were selected in close collaboration with the regional
experts from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil
Protection Department (ECHO), considering their profile, their
technical background and the relevance of their position within their
organization. By participating in this training, they commit themselves
to sharing the skills acquired with the members of their own teams as
well as with other partner organizations.