Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (left) with Dr. Divya Sunitha Raj.
were signed by Dr. Divya Sunitha Raj, Trustee of SHE (Social Awareness,
Health and Education) Foundation, and AIT’s Acting President, Prof.
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai on 22 April 2013.Signing the agreements, Prof. Worsak stated that the August intake of
73 students would boost AIT’s Unified Bachelor’s-Master’s program to
its highest levels of enrolment yet. The agreements designate the SHE
Foundation “Academic Representative” of AIT to JNTU to promote the
Unified Program.Dr. Divya expressed her happiness at the collaboration, and stated
that the agreement follows the commencement of a Unified program
initiated with JNTUK in 2011 and with the Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University Hyderabad (JNTUH) in 2012. The two
Universities will offer their Bachelor’s program at their respective
campuses, while AIT will offer the Master’s program to students
completing the five-year program.
Dr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Leader, Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) at AIT’s School of Engineering and Technology (SET)
who spearheaded the program stated that AIT would receive 16 million
THB as a portion of their fee for the years 2011 and 2012. Besides, he
expressed confidence that following 73 students in 2014, another 267
students would arrive in 2015, and it could reach its full capacity of
375 students in 2016 with an annual tuition fee of 160 million THB. He
added that students will study in the first phase of seven semesters in
JNTU and will advance to the second phase of three semesters to AIT
after completing all the courses. They will be awarded a Master’s
degree from AIT only after fulfilling all the requirements of
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) was founded in 1965
by India’s first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru. Later it
was converted into three Universities through the Act of Parliament,
and AIT has a partnership with two of them, namely JNTUK and
More details about JNTUK are available at this link: http://jntuk.edu.in
More details about UNTUH are available at this link: http://jntuk.edu.in
From left: Dr. Nitin K Tripathi,
Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dr. Divya Sunitha Raj, and Dr. B