CIRAD President visits AIT, stresses long-term partnership with AIT

CIRAD President visits AIT, stresses long-term partnership with AIT

In his maiden visit to AIT after assuming CIRAD’s top position early
this year, Dr. Eddi stated that they had chosen to partner with AIT 20
years ago, and they would continue with this partnership. CIRAD seeks
more ambitious agreements with AIT, and desires more visibility for the
organization, he added.

Visiting AIT on 17 October 2013 along with Dr. Jean-Charles Maillard,
Regional Director for Continental Southeast Asia, and Dr. Philippe
Girard, CIRAD Representative in Thailand, Dr. Eddi also sought to know
more about AIT’s future plans.

Welcoming the delegation, AIT’s Interim President, Prof. Worsak
Kanok-Nukulchai expressed AIT’s gratitude at CIRAD’s support adding
that CIRAD’s seconded faculty has made an immense contribution to AIT.
The Interim President also informed the delegation about AIT’s
governance structure.

The delegation elaborated on CIRAD’s GREASE (Gestion des Risques
Emergents en Asie du Sud-Est) platform, which is a network to manage
emerging epidemiological risks in Southeast Asia. This network
encompasses human medicine with veterinary sciences and includes a
large component of social sciences.

Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut, Interim Vice President for Research; Prof.
C Visvanathan, Interim Dean, School of Environment, Resources and
Development (SERD); Dr. Nitin Tripathi of School of Engineering and
Technology (SET); Dr. Sylvain Perret, and Dr. Damien Jourdain seconded
faculty from CIRAD; Mr. Ahmed Amjad Ali, Head, External Relations and
Communications Office (ERCO); and Dr. Gabrielle Eva Carol Groves,
Coordinator, ERCO, also participated in the meeting.

More details about CIRAD are available at this link:
More details about GREASE are available at this link: