AIT’s Management programs among global top 20

AIT’s Management programs among global top 20

Three AIT programs are ranked among the top programs in the world,
while five programs are ranked among the top programs in Far East Asia.
In eight sectors, AIT programs have been rated as best in Thailand.

  The three programs that make it to the global top include
Master’s in AgriBusiness Management. This interdisciplinary program, is
ranked 14th in the Agribusiness and Food Industry Management Sector,
third in Asia, and first in the Far East Asia and Thailand. Last year,
it was ranked 16th globally, and it has moved ahead by two

AITs MBA program has been ranked 54th in the field of
Entrepreneurship, and is the only program in Thailand which makes it to
the global top 100 programs. Last year, it was ranked 58th in the field
of Entrepreneurship. The same program is ranked 58th in the field of
Sustainable Development and Environmental Management, and it is the
lone program from Thailand which figures in the global list.

Besides, all AIT programs emerge among the top 20 in five sectors in
Far East Asia, which includes 17 nations and territories -- Brunei,
Cambodia, China, Guam (U.S.A.), Hong Kong (S.A.R.,China), Indonesia,
Japan, Laos PDR, Macau (S.A.R.,China), Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines,
Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

AIT’s Master’s program in Management of Technology is rated 11th in
Far East Asia in the sector “Engineering and Project Management”, and
it is rated as the top program in this field in Thailand. The Executive
MBA program is ranked 13th in Far East Asia, and is ranked best in
Thailand. The Professional Master’s in Banking and Finance is rated
13th in Far East Asia in the sector “Corporate Finance,” and it is the
only Thai program in the listings. The MBA full time program is rated
16th in Far East Asia, and 19th in the sector “General Management.” All
AIT programs come out as the best programs in Thailand.

The Eduniversal listing ranks 4,000 Master’s and MBA Programs in 30
Majors worldwide from 120 countries. Ever since its inception in 2008,
AIT programs have always ranked among the top global and regional

Global Ranking of AIT programs

 Sector  Global  Ranking Thai Ranking Link
 Agribusiness/Food Industry Management  14  1  
 Entrepreneurship  54  1   
 Sustainable Development and Environmental
 58  1  

AIT Rankings in Far East Asia

 Sector  Ranking in
 Far East  Asia
 Thai  Ranking  Link
 Engineering and Project Management  11   1  
Engineering/Project  Management
 Executive MBA  13  1  
Executive MBA
 Corporate Finance  13  1  
Corporate Finance
 MBA Full time  16  1  
 General Management  19  1  

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