Training program for Afghan officials on hydrological measurement and analysis concludes

Training program for Afghan officials on hydrological measurement and analysis concludes

Speaking on the concluding function on 12 January 2014, Prof.
Tawatchai Tingsanchali exhorted the participants to utilize the skills
they had acquired at AIT during their weeklong program. The opportunity
to meet senior functionaries of Thailand is unique, and participants
must learn from the experience, he remarked.

The program began on 6 January 2014, with Prof. Sivanappan Kumar
Vice-President of Academic Affairs, AIT welcoming the participants.
Prof. Kumar stated that AIT had contributed to education and research
in Afghanistan. Nearly 15 students from Afghanistan are enrolled in AIT
every year, and at present AIT has 36 fulltime students from
Afghanistan. AIT is committed to providing education, research and
training in technology, management and societal development, he

Coordinated by Dr. Sangam Shrestha, Assistant Professor, Water
Engineering and Management Field of Study from AIT’s School of
Engineering and Technology (SET), the program aimed to providing
knowledge of basic principles of hydrometric networks, their role and
function in project planning and design. Besides training and modeling
sessions, the program also included study visits to the Thai
Meteorological Department (TMD), and telemetering system and gauging
station of the Royal Irrigation Department (RID).

The program, which brought together resource persons from various
organizations, included Dr. Kamol Promasakha na Sakolnakhon, Director,
Meteorological Radar and Satellite Data Analysis, TMD; Dr. Somkuan
Tonjan, Meteorological Radar and Satellite Data Analysis, TMD; Mr.
Apisith Sunkhawanna, Meteorological Radar and Satellite Data Analysis,
TMD; Mr. Winai Wangpimool, Department of Water Resources, Thai Ministry
of Natural Resources and Environment; Dr. Vich Sriwongsa,
Director,Telemetering Center for Water Management, RID; and Prof.
Mukand S. Babel and Prof. Tawatchai Tingsanchali, from AIT.

Organized by Water Engineering and Management (WEM) field of study at
AIT’s SET, the program was supported by the World Bank and the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Details about Afghanistan's Ministry of Water and Energy are available
at this link: