Kenya’s Senate Committee on ICT visits AIT

Kenya’s Senate Committee on ICT visits AIT

Four senators from the Upper House of Kenya’s Parliament, interacted
with AIT academicians and officials on 18 April 2014, and sought to
know more about AIT’s academic and research profile. Of particular
interest to them were issues related to internet security and
encryption, the contribution of AIT at policy levels, and the
Institute’s interaction with the political leadership in the

The delegation also wanted to know whether AIT was using technology to
help the underprivileged and the physically challenged.

The delegation included Senators Mr. Mutahi Kagwe, Mr. Dickson Karaba,
Mr. Daisy Nyongesa and Mr. Paul Njoroge; Ms. Rose Mudibo, Clerk to the
Senate Committee, and Ms. Rose Wmbui, aid to Senator Njoroge. Mr.
Hussein S Muhamad of the Embassy of Kenya also accompanied the

Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Interim Dean, School of Engineering
and Technology (AIT) elaborated on AIT’s contribution in Thailand and
the region. He stated that AIT has always played a key role in Asian
development, and its services are often sought by governments and
policy makers. Dr. Gabrielle Eva Carol Groves, Head, External Relations
and Communications Office (ERCO); Ms. Wannapa Pliansri, Coordinator,
Royal Thai Government, ERCO; and Mr. Tenzin Rabgyal, Coordinator,
Admissions and Scholarship Office also participated in the